Merrily Rolling Home

Marilyn Freedman
2 min readDec 8, 2021


Den Rock Park, Lawrence, Massachusetts, October 2017

I need to tell a little story before I forget it.

I went to the eye doctor today and received a clean bill of health: no more virus attacking my cornea. But they dilated my eyes. Those slip-behind-your-glasses-sun-shades they hand out took care of the glare when I went outside.

On the way home, I called my mom to share the good news. I was still on the phone, sharing good news and bad, listening to her good news, when I arrived.

It was time to take Abbie for her walk, so my mom came along, virtually.

Abbie doesn’t like that too much, but what can she do about it? Not much. We took our usual route, which amazingly did not result in me getting pulled into the tree at the bottom of a very steep, but short, incline that leads from the apartment complex into the woods.

After awhile, we went back. By this time in the conversation, I was reporting the latest aggravation from the divorce proceedings. I was agitated and animated, but I was paying attention to where I was walking. I was.

My vision was blurry from the dilation, but there is only a little undergrowth in that part of the woods. Not a problem.

Because I wasn’t on the usual path, I ended up a bit to the right of the convenient but steep incline. It has stones in it that work like stairs, so it is fairly easy to negotiate. There is also a flexible drainage pipe that runs along that area so it doesn’t get too damp and slippery.

Abbie scrambled up the hill with no trouble — must be those great retriever-style paw pads. I, however, slipped and slid until I ended up rolling down the hill backwards with the phone in one hand and the leash over my wrist. Between Abbie’s weight on the end of the leash and my Taekwondo fall training, I did not roll into a tree.

Still talking with my mom and out of breath from rolling, I said, “whoops” into the phone.

It’s a gorgeous day here. A little cooler than yesterday, but bright and sunny with a beautiful blue sky. This morning, I heard birds when I took Abbie out, and I could smell spring in the air, even though it’s still February. Who could be upset about slipping and rolling down a hill backwards on such a beautiful day?

I cracked up. I was still laughing when I got to my apartment at the top of the stairs on the third floor.



Marilyn Freedman

Editor and writer, companion to a rescue dog and cat, commentator, witness, advocate, nature lover, good neighbor, and human being. Currently playing Destiny 2.